Link ver HAN – NPUO30158 – USA (Manual): PKG – RAP (Not Required)

Debug Packages installation mode can be activated and will take effect even if Enable HAN mode was activated before.PS3 will have to be rebooted to allow Enabling HAN again. Be aware that once Debug Packages installation mode has been activated, enabling HAN mode will not have an effect until a PS3 reboot.Said PKGs are labeled as on PKG Linker XMB list.Enabling HAN is a must if downloading with PKG Linker, packages (PKGs) resigned using PS3Xploit-Resigner tool.Packages (CFW2OFW for HAN PS3 retail disc converts/ digital backups).Enabling HAN is not required if downloading with PKG Linker these two:.After that reboot and you see the list changed or updated, Enabling HAN is required to 'refresh or update' the XMB list of installable PKGs (HAN, Debug, or Retail) - done by installing Package_List.pkg generated by PKG Linker 2.0, then reboot PS3 to see list changes.Guidelines on using PKG Linker 2.0 īack to TopDownloading or transferring packages from PC to PS3 work via PKG Linker with either HAN enabled or Debug Packages mode activated, BUT below are some observed behaviors/rules of the tool: Installing 'retail' PKGs downloaded from Official PSN servers (i.e.Do not enable neither HAN nor Debug Package installation mode if:.

Solution is to reboot PS3 every time you want to switch from HAN mode or from Debug Packages mode.But enabling Debug Package mode first then enabling HAN mode is not possible.Enabling HAN mode then after that enabling Debug Package mode is possible.Make sure you do not enable HAN and Debug Package mode at the same time because that can happen:.Debug Packages ( aka Custom Packages) in the PS3 context are PKGs made with tools like TrueAncestor_PKG_Repacker_v2.45 and make-backup-pkg.Enable Debug Package installation mode only if - Installing Debug Packages.Playing titles installed using Official PSN PKGs ( PSN re-releases of retail disc games) then activated using RAPs resigned with PS3Xploit-Resigner tool (may your soul find light).PKGs of RAPs resigned using PS3Xploit-Resigner tool (may your soul find light).Installing PKGs resigned with PS3Xploit-Resigner tool by habib ( aka Fake-resigned PKGs) - Usual PKG installation that need HAN enabled are:.Back to TopTo stop the confusion whether to enable HAN and whether to enable Debug Package installation mode, be mindful of the guidelines below: